Make Ready with War HOGG Tactical: Practice 2 Protect
Rick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat instructor and harnessed them into a proven training methodology service company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc. In this video, Rick reviews one of the best ways to supplement your firearm training: airsoft. This alternative to dry-firing practice gives you near same weight and feel as your sidearm, but with the convenience of being able to train with low-cost, biodegradable, training ammunition at home or in more realistic environments. Rick covers why he uses airsoft, gun handling for new shooters, the training plan, training from home, CO2 and green gas options, loading your airsoft mags, improvised targets and indoor target options, shooting drills, gun handling and reloading, and much more. As with any skill, practice is important and should be done as often as possible. Supplementing your firearm training is now possible cost effectively right in your home.