Make Ready with War HOGG Tactical: LE Performance Pistol on Steel
Rick Hogg is the owner of War HOGG Tactical and is a 29 year US Army Special Operation Combat Veteran that has taken his 13 combat deployment, both Iraq and Afghanistan, and teaching experience as a Special Forces Advanced Urban Combat instructor and harnessed them into a proven training methodology service company, War HOGG Tactical, Inc. In this video, Rick provides pistol training to a group of Law Enforcement Professionals specifically utilizing Grizzly steel targets and the new Grizzly Shoot No Shoot steel target system. The course curriculum covers, the War HOGG Self Eval, War HOGG Administrative Load, Malfunctions, Fundamentals, Sight Alignment, Pistol Presentation, Strong and Support Hand Shooting, Magazine Changes, Controlled Pairs, Shooting under physical duress and more. If you are a Law Enforcement officer or a citizen looking to improve your handgun skills this is a must watch, and is designed to increase your survivability in the event that you are ever in a deadly force encounter. Special thanks to Grizzly Targets, ICC Ammo and Walther Arms for supporting this video.